Al Qaeda looks for soft spots in LA and Melbourne
Using some f***wit kid of California to deliver the latest threat
"Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, God willing. At this time, don't count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion," the tape warns. "We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators."
I say:
We're not counting on restraint or compassion from you guys. Don't worry about that. And we know you love the peace of the grave, which we will offer to you at every opportunity.
Do they think that Los Angeles will cower before this threat like frightened children and declare Wahhabi sharia law tout de suite? Do they really think Angelenos are that craven, that spineless, that decadent? Well, they may be right about that. But the inhabitants of La-La Land do not speak for the country as a whole.
Blue staters are rather childish by red state standards. We don't much respect the limousine left or their fashion serfs. They're children. But they're family. They're like our wayward nephews that didn't get raised right and fell in with the wrong crowd. We slap them around a lot because they're such dumbasses, but we'll kill anyone who tries to harm them. So don't mess with them. That's *our* job.
In response to the threats against their city, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the city's police department released a statement this morning. They admitted to Los Angeles being a target of terrorism, but said there are no known, credible threats against the city and labeled the tape an instrument of al Qaeda propaganda.
I say:
Been there before. Granted, the odds are against them pulling off any particular attack, including this one. But they keep trying, and the law of averages is not on our side. (Remember, 9/11 was not the first attempt on the World Trade Center.) That's why we have a Global War On Terror.
"Don't believe the lies of the liars at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and 10 Downing Street," Gadahn insists.
I say:
Channeling Al Franken here? By the way, Al's no doing too well these days. He and the rest of his Air America bunch may just end up in the clink.
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