Yes, we're in a world war. Make the mental adjustment.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Holland discovers the limits of tolerance

Too late for van Gogh


Now, with the manifestation of a violent form of intolerance in
their midst, the iron has entered their souls. After decades of
welcoming immigration and preaching multiculturalism, they now propose
to expel failed asylum-seekers and to assimilate those who settle,
rather than permit de facto religious segregation. If neo-conservatives
are liberals who have been mugged by reality, the Dutch are fast
becoming a nation of neo-conservatives.

I say:

Something like this was bound to happen eventually. But have the
Dutch the mental equipment to respond effectively?

Here's more


The immigration minister, Rita Verdonk, unveiled plans for a law
allowing the deportation of Islamic radicals even if they are Dutch

She said the intention was "to take away their Dutch passports if a
person is suspected of planning or being involved in extremism or
serious crimes", adding that Holland would no longer be so "naive" in
dealing with its enemies.

I say:

I guess citizenship isn't what it used to be. Then again, in
Holland, maybe it never really was. Certainly tolerance isn't what it
used to be, and that's probably for the good. Just so long as they
channel the anger into productive action. No flying off the handle,
no pogroms against all Muslims. The enemy is a culture, and a
collection of despotic regimes in sinister symbiosis with that culture.
Destroy the regimes, destroy the culure, and thus destroy Islamist
terror. In other words, this is *not* a local crime. This is part of
a global war. Fight it globally.

And no more of these mosque bombings.
That's unworthy of civilized people. That's just reverse terrorism.
Terrorists strike soft targets. Sensible people strike targets that
matter, whether they're soft or not. The targets that matter are
overseas. Afghanistan's down, Iraq's down but twitching, Libya's
cringing. But there's still Syria, Sudan, Iran, parts of Pakistan,
Somalia. And it's likely that Spain and France will fall to the enemy
before this is over.

By the way, here's the movie he got assassinated for.

And here's my thoughts on tolerance.

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