Yes, we're in a world war. Make the mental adjustment.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Iraq quagmire - the real score thus far

Hype vs reality at Gatewaypundit


* Medact Global Health: "A more contained conflict could cause half a million deaths and have a devastating impact on the lives, health and environment of the combatants, Iraqi civilians, and people in neighbouring countries and beyond."
Actual Results: Antiwar Iraqi Body Count says that 35-37 thousand deaths including bank robbers...

The harsh truth: Before the War in Iraq, Saddam was filling his mass graves and keeping state hired rapists on his payroll. In those 20 years about 5% of the people of Iraq were killed or mysteriously disappeared. The red area in the graph above shows the estimated average deaths in Iraq under Saddam Hussein from 36 average deaths per day from mass grave discoveries, to 137 deaths per day from a different source. The yellow area shows estimated total fatalities since the beginning of the War in Iraq from Iraq Body Count, an antiwar website...

* Madeleine Albright observed... "It has long been obvious that the Bush administration lacks a viable plan for success in Iraq. The hardest political job - drafting a constitution acceptable to all factions - has not even begun..."

Results: Iraqi Constitution drafted and accepted by 78% of the voters.

I say:

Iraq Body Count has been called out before for using extremely questionable sources. They wear their agenda on their sleeve. They will do anything they think they can get away with to *overestimate* casualties.


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